Our newest pattern was just released in the shop and I’m really quite excited about it. I’ve been wanting to create a pattern simple enough for kids to make, but cute enough to entice adults. It’s kind of a hard challenge! I’m excited to say I think our brand new, Snug Little Snowmen pattern works for both.
These snowmen work up so quick and easy, they are perfect for beginners and kids. In fact, one of our official pattern testers was only ten years old- how cool is that?! I was also lucky enough to spend an evening sewing with my 11 and 7 year old niece and nephew and each them was able to complete a snowman that night. (I helped the 7 year old with some of the sewing, but the 11 year old did it completely on her own.)
A project easy enough for kids to finish in one evening makes for a perfect last minute gift idea for a more experienced sewist. Well over half of our testers told us they were able to complete their snowman in 1-2 hours, start to finish. That made me so happy! It’s exactly what I wanted to hear 🙂

Here are our exact responses from our pattern testers on how long it took them to complete their Snug Little Snowman. Our testers range from very experienced sewists to the complete beginner. The amount of time is noted first, then in [brackets] is the number of testers who marked that amount of time.
These are cute! You look absolutely beautiful in the picture with your niece and nephew. I hope you’re doing well and keep up the work on the adorable fluffies.
Thanks Brynn- it’s so fun to hear from you!