These Blue Sunday Favor Tags are a fun detail to add a little something to your Blue Sunday tea party. (Click here for the whole Blue Sunday free download collection)
I was inspired by the Forget Me Not flower. A little flower that can often go unnoticed. It is blue- the awareness color for ME/CFS- and has the perfect name. Forget M.E. Not… get it? Not only that, but a pack of seeds a cheap little something that you can give to guests that can actually be used after the event.

Making Your Blue Sunday Favors
So, how do we make our little favors? I have two options for you. Mainly because I couldn’t decide which I liked better!
Option #1- A Simple Tag
The simplest design is the Forget M.E. Not Tag. Just download the file, print, and cut out the rectangular tags. You can attach the tags right on to Forget Me Not seed packets, or place the seeds into decorative bags before attaching the tag. I punched a hole on the top of the bag for mine to add a little ribbon.
If you want to get extra fancy, you could attach the tags to actual Forget Me Not flowers in mini pots. It would be adorable, but a bit more energy. (Energy that I didn’t have while planning this post, so I didn’t include a photo of it… but it would be a really great favor!)
Option #2- A Custom Seed Packet
The second download option is a full on Forget M.E. Not Seed Packet. This will print out a whole seed packet that you will need to fold and glue together. This is a great option if you’d like to buy your seeds in bulk and distribute into indivitual packets. Here’s how to make those…

First, download the Forget M.E. Not Seed Packet file, print and cut out along the outside line. I prined mine onto a white cardstock, which worked fine. But if I did it again, I’d choose a thinner paper. The ink on the cardstock flaked a little wherever I creased the paper. I think it would work better to get something closer to a magazine type paper- a slightly glossy, a tiny bit thicker than normal printing paper.

Next, you’ll need to score your packets to get a nice, crisp fold. A bone folder would work best for this, but if you are like me and you’ve lost your bone folder in the depths of your project closet, anything with a firm edge will do. I used the blunt side of scissors.

Now fold along each scored line. You’ll need to make four folds, as shown above.

Fold your seed packet together and glue in place along the side and bottom of the packet. Leave the top open to fill with seeds. I used a glue gun to make sure the glue would be strong enough to hold the seeds in without making a mess. Repeat this process until you’ve made as many packets as you need for your Blue Sunday event.
That’s it! I hope these find their way to many wonderful Blue Sunday events! I can’t wait to see what you do with them.