I have so many dreams. A list a mile long of projects I want to work on. Places I want to share with my little guy. People I want to help.
All of that has been on hold for a while now.
My health has been especially bad for almost two years now. Two YEARS. The stress of that initial lockdown back in 2020 is what set me back. I tried to care for our (then) 1.5 year old while the daycares were closed and the physical exertion made my M.E. symptoms flair. (A common occurrence when you mix ME/CFS with over exertion.) I went from being classified as a moderate M.E. patient to a severe one.

Before, I could get out a few times a week. I had to rest a lot, my life was very simple, but I could still work from home a little. I could take my son out every once in a while. We could plan a trip as long as I planned a few weeks to recover. Now I can barely leave my house. I can’t drive. If I’m lucky I will feel well enough to concentrate on something from bed for an hour or so a day.
Life has gotten much simpler. It’s taken me a while to learn how to feel like I’m still a real person, living a real life even while I am this sick. It’s so hard- the dreams are all still there. Now I just get to do less of them.

I’ve hesitated coming back online. Once you get on, people kind of expect you to keep coming back. And as much as I wish my health was up for that, it’s just not.
However, May is ME awareness month and with that comes Blue Sunday. A day where the ME community throws tea parties to raise research funds. I do love a tea party, and I thought a Blue Tea would be the perfect way to pop on here and say hello, without committing to more than my heath will allow.
And as a tiny extra bonus, I have been VERY slowly working on some little animal clothes patterns that I am getting excited to share. I figured this was the perfect opportunity to get some critters all dressed up in blue to show off a couple of the designs. I am hoping the whole line of clothes patterns will be available this year some time. Cross your fingers with me that my health will hold steady (or maybe possibly even improve a bit!) I am so ready to move towards those dreams again.